I have a Facebook page
Very quick update, as much because I have posted anything in months. I have recently created a Facebook page, which I am used to show case a few of my very favourite Photos. Please do check it out! [bk_social icon=”facebook” text=”Photography By Phil Priston” link=”https://www.facebook.com/PhilPristonPhotos” target=”_blank” /]Photography By Phil Priston
Has Spring Sprung?
Most people start to get the impression that winter is on its way out in March. This year, the weather fairies seem to have flipped a switch on the 1st March and immediately cheered everyone up with a bit of sunshine. It’s interesting though, even when one would say the weather is improving, some people…
February Favourites
February is usually pretty much the crappiest month of the year. Christmas and new year, a distant memory, while spring and the eventual arrival of the summer are most definitely a hazy dream, burst by chuffin’ freezing(ish) temperatures and rubbish train services. This year it’s been cold(ish) and without doubt, the trains have maintained their…
January Favourites
A month into 2015 and we’ve had maybe a flurry of snow, the English weather is as non-descriptive as it always is in the southeast. This doesn’t seem to matter to our local train service, whose ineptitude knows no bounds. I have just spent an hour stood on a frozen(ish) platform, seen all trains into my…
Puppy Love
Spending time on the beach in the winter is not necessarily something I have done in the past. Jarvis has given us the ideal excuse to pull on warm clothing boots and gloves and go for lovely strolls by the sea at weekends. Taken during January, Jarvis and his BFF Cookie paused for a moment…
Rival Sons at the Scala, London
At which point does a person have to put their hand up and say, “OK I am a fan”? I have seen the Rivals 3 times, each closely timed to the release of a new album; all of which still get regular listens among my, generally, eclectic collection of iTunes and Spotify playlists. Do I qualify as a…