Tis the season

Christmas day with the family.

As we draw towards the end of this year, my first as a ‘real’ camera owner, I guess it would be somewhat remiss of me not to talk a little about Christmas day.  With the exception of mother, my whole family hates having their photo taken, me included. This I knew would present a challenge for the day.

I really wanted to take a ‘storied’ approach to the day snapping candid photos of the family as they enjoyed the day (slept in-front of the telly). Sadly, within 30 seconds of picking up the camera, I was being told to ‘get that thing out of my face’. Another approach was going to be necessary here.

It took some cajoling but I eventually persuaded everyone to participate in a couple of quick ‘family photos’ before promising to put the camera away.

The tripod came out and was set up in the conservatory. I figured the semi transparent ceiling would give a decent, diffused light. A little bit of fill flash with a defuser over the glass too would help fill in the details. The results were a little rushed, but that was as much to do with the family being super reluctant. Its hard enough normally to stop my little brother pulling faces, when there is a camera around, it isn’t long before his pants go on over the trousers.

By the end of the day, we managed a few shots before diner and I had a little more time to snap mothers table decorations as well. I even got everyone to sit still for 10 seconds while I set the timer on the camera pointing at us all sat down to eat.

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