I have a new site and a new look. Does it suit me? Feel free to leave your comments, you can now login using Facebook, twitter, yahoo or google, so no excuses! 🙂
While ushering in the start of summer I have spent 2 weeks struggling to find time to not only enjoy some of the beautiful weather the UK has experienced; but to also stay in, watch the start of the cricket season and completely build a new website.
Somehow how I’ve managed to watch loads of the England Vs West Indies tests, keep an eye on Roy Hodgson’s progress as the new head coach, and by the fact that you are reading this, you know I have also built a new web site.
I know I have only been keeping a journal for a couple of months, but it really didn’t take long for me to get frustrated by the limitations of using one of the free blogging service providers. So I decided, that I could do a better job by hosting something myself. I even kidded myself into believing that it would only take a few hours to set up! HA!
I have used www.34sp.com as a web host for many years whilst hosting my on-line gaming clan site, so it made sense to make use of that and at the same time, refresh some of my web type knowledge. WordPress is the platform I have chosen and the rather snazzy Duotive Fortune is my theme provider of choice. I haven’t used either previously, so I figured it would be a good learning experience.
I am looking at adding a lot more to this site over time, but right now, I would really appreciate my friends help in sorting out the basics. Please do login and let me know what you think of this site; how you think it can be improved, and what you would love to see added, changed or taken away!
Love Ya!
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