Two for one Landscapes

There are few things in the world better than the chance to indulge in a beloved hobby. This weekend I have had the rare pleasure of doing exactly that! For once there was no obligation, reciprocation or facilitation requiring my attention or time.

Climbing out of bed on Saturday morning to the sound of iPhone alarm and the sight of darkness through the window didn’t discourage me too much. By the time I’d finished a cuppa and got the bike down the stairs it was just about light enough to not need lights. Which is just as well since I had completely forgotten to buy batteries for the beamers my brother brought as a birthday present.

First order of the day was an over due mission to take some snaps of the newly completed St. George’s Warf Tower. Delayed after the tragic helicopter crash earlier this year, I wanted to try to take some shots and show how it has changed the South London sky line.

Getting up early turned out a better idea than I might have anticipated, It seemed a shame to head straight home and kept going down as far as Waterloo bridge; arriving at the London Eye pretty much, the perfect time of day. Just as the sun was peeking through the morning clouds; A little before 7am, for those who care.

Back home by 8am, the rest of the morning was spent on normal house work & shopping activities. I also decided to start work on a design refresh for this site. The results of which you can now witness in and around this entry. If you are reading it within a few days of publication, then apologies for the mess. I haven’t quite finished unpacking all the boxes; so to speak.

The second part of my photographic adventure was slightly further afield and required the services of my lovely little car. I took a sunny and pretty pleasant drive down into Surrey, a national heritage site called Box Hill. The place is well-known for amazing views across the countryside and there were plenty of people, picnicking and rambling. Needless to stay I wasn’t the only person mooching around with a tripod strapped to their backs.

I have to say the place is beautiful and I thoroughly enjoy wandering around. I even found a quiet spot to lie back on the grass and listen to an album while taking in view. I also ate sandwiches, it seemed appropriate to do that somehow.

Anyway, that was that. I got home late spent a good couple of hours pouring over the shots and whilst I have to say there wasn’t much; a couple came out that I am pretty pleased with. Already in the last view hours, the shot of the London eye has done pretty well on and some of my chums gave it the thumbs up on Facebook. Which is nice. 🙂

So, For those of you who have skipped straight to the pictures, “hello!”. For one of you who have read all this, (Hi Mum) your wait is over.

Enjoy, comments alway welcome:


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