Well, I’ve only gone and done it! I have deliberated, cogitated and digested so much information over the last week, that I should have a permanent headache. That isn’t the case and the sad truth is I am beyond excited.
After blasting questions all over Facebook & twitter, spent my evenings reading tonnes of information on the web and bored the hell out of my photo-crazy friends; the final decision on what camera I will buy has been made.
A few minutes ago I pressed the “buy now” button on one of these babies:
It is the Sony SLT-A65 which will hopefully be winging its way through the post to me over the course of the next few days.
For more information check out the linked page on Sony’s offical website.
Too be honest, it didn’t seem to matter who I talked to, or what I read. Someone always had a good reason for not buying each of the three cameras on my short list. In the end I took Leo C’s advice and played with them all in a store, which helped tremendously and gave the Sony an edge. It just seemed to fit in my hands a little more comfortably.
What also helped was a sense of brand loyalty, I suspect in some ways this camera was always going to have a head start. There was a determination to ignore that as much as possible and get the best camera for me, irrespective of who I work for. Time will tell on whether I have made the right choice, I am very happy at the moment and so are all the people I know who also own Sony SLR’s (or SLT’s in this case). If you’re not sure what SLT is check out this article
from technicallyeasy.net.
In terms of advising others who find themselves in the same position as me? Go with your gut feeling, Leo’s advice on this one was spot on, most of these cameras are like for like in terms of features and output, so it will always come down to preference and taste.
So, now it’s a case of waiting for the box to arrive. I suspect there is plenty to read in the meantime. If you have any suggestions on good books which will help get me started on things like technique and composition, then do share in the comments section.
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