Tag: People
Tis the season
Christmas day with the family. As we draw towards the end of this year, my first as a ‘real’ camera owner, I guess it would be somewhat remiss of me not to talk a little about Christmas day. With the exception of mother, my whole family hates having their photo taken, me included. This I…
Zombies and Rock
Saturday, 3rd November 2012: The initial idea for this journal entry involved writing a real-time story, presenting the progression of an evening of utter idiocy, alcoholic indulgence and photographic luck. A scenario that gave the reader a sense they are living the moment along with the author.
Faversham Hop Festival
With the last of the summer bank holidays feeling like a long-lost subtext to an otherwise non-existent warm season; the Faversham Hop festival signifies one last opportunity to see off summer. A welcoming to the light, colour, and flu germs that epitomise autumn in the UK.
The Importance of location
Over the August bank holiday weekend some important lessons were learned. People told me not to expect too much from my first portrait shoot. They weren’t joking! I can’t describe it as a complete disaster; I had a lot of fun and learned LOADS, needless to say on this occasion I have created lots of pictures that are genuine…
Queens Jubilee – River Pageant
Grim huh? If there is one thing that you really don’t want to see when you are planning to spend your day on the banks of the river Thames, It’s a rainy forecast. On an English bank holiday weekend when you least want it, of course we get it.