Tag: UK
Richmond Park at Daybreak
Saturday, 27 October 2012: The day before the clocks go back and the British summer, officially at least, is over. This is also the best day (from a lazy buggers perspective) of the autumnal season to take photos at daybreak, which happens at approximately 07:45. Virtually lunchtime! *cough*
Stronger, Faster, HDRder
It had to happen eventually, I spend half my life browsing around amazing photography on the web. Much of the spectacular stuff you see appears to have amazing dynamic range. The problem is, often it all looks excessively stylised and fake.
The Importance of location
Over the August bank holiday weekend some important lessons were learned. People told me not to expect too much from my first portrait shoot. They weren’t joking! I can’t describe it as a complete disaster; I had a lot of fun and learned LOADS, needless to say on this occasion I have created lots of pictures that are genuine…
Side arm shopping
The utterly miserable weather has not been particularly conducive to my new hobby of late. In fact the complete lack of good weather has led to my shiny new DSLR camera spending most of its time sat in the corner of my flat.
Queens Jubilee – River Pageant
Grim huh? If there is one thing that you really don’t want to see when you are planning to spend your day on the banks of the river Thames, It’s a rainy forecast. On an English bank holiday weekend when you least want it, of course we get it.
Light – It gets everywhere
I continue my journey into this new hobby full of expectation and verve. I am, however starting to realise that there is quite a bit more involved than I might have first considered. Before I crack on with today’s subject, I want to take a minute to reflect on what I have assimilated so far.
Rain, Rain, Go away
In-Door shooting: Spring has sprung in the UK, which means my new hobby has been somewhat put on hold. It has been decided, I am not yet keen enough to brave all this crappy weather. The good news (for me) at least is, tomorrow I will be on a plane heading to mean old ‘frisco, spending as…