Tag: pictures
Two for one Landscapes
There are few things in the world better than the chance to indulge in a beloved hobby. This weekend I have had the rare pleasure of doing exactly that! For once there was no obligation, reciprocation or facilitation requiring my attention or time.
Battersea Powerstation
Every now and again, I like to go back over some of the photos I have previously created and see if, as I learn more, have I missed anything.
Summertime Snaps
I am very conscious that it has been an age since I updated this blog. Earlier in the year I started a new job, and I am ashamed to say that I have been so distracted by it a few things have fallen by the way side.
Year One Complete
On 11th April 2012, I finally decided on a new hobby. To pick up a camera and see if I was capable of creating a picture that wasn’t a stinker. During the next 12 months I can honestly say that I learned a lot, and thoroughly enjoyed experimenting and reading about the art of photography. What…
Down on Life – Soho Streets
The first few months of this year have been an interesting affair in the life of this little person. I have been so consumed by my impending career change, while searching for the meaning in various parts of my life and identity, that my photographic hobby has taken a bit of a back seat.
How much editing is enough
At this time of year, I’ll be honest, As much as I am enjoying playing with a camera, the incentive to get out doors and practice my craft is lacking somewhat.
Wintery Park Life
January is always a bit of an odd month for most of us. Friends and family are so busy giving up, working out or staying in that those of us who just want to get on with the new, can sometimes find ourselves a bit bored or isolated. During these times, it is best to…
Tis the season
Christmas day with the family. As we draw towards the end of this year, my first as a ‘real’ camera owner, I guess it would be somewhat remiss of me not to talk a little about Christmas day. With the exception of mother, my whole family hates having their photo taken, me included. This I…
Richmond Park at Daybreak
Saturday, 27 October 2012: The day before the clocks go back and the British summer, officially at least, is over. This is also the best day (from a lazy buggers perspective) of the autumnal season to take photos at daybreak, which happens at approximately 07:45. Virtually lunchtime! *cough*